Living Liberated
Feeling + Healing to live a more liberated life
We all have subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs that occupy and lurk in the shadows. We all have inner limitations that prevent us from living and pursuing the life of our dreams, and the life we desire. Somatic work helps us engage with these somatic narratives, pull them from the shadows and shine the light on these patterns that keep us stuck. It is a gentle, yet powerful approach to healing, that doesn’t require re-tellng the same painful story over and over. It is a way to “re-program” your subconscious beliefs safely, gently, yet powerfully to achieve lasting results.
You are not what happened to you.
It’s easy and common to over identify with our suffering, especially with the state of the world as it is. But you are not what happened to you. Everyone has experienced some level of trauma, or wounding and injury. AND the beautiful thing about wounds is that they have the ability to heal.
As you learn and understand the beautiful and subtle language of your body, you can begin giving it what it’s needing and asking for.
Gaining control over your life, and living the life free from the uncomfortable thoughts and feelings that hold you captive is possible!
The beautiful and amazing thing about somatic work is that it’s designed to go at YOUR pace and without needing to rehash painful details of your story. You don’t have to go it alone anymore.
Polyvagal theory is the science of our nervous systems and how the body and brain connect and communicate. Learning about your own autonomic nervous system helps explain certain behaviors and pattens to take away the “wrongness” of your behavior and reactions to create more self compassion and self understanding.
Understanding our primary attachment adaptations is so important, as most of our trauma is attachment wounding. We are wounded in relationships, so therefore, healing in relationships is a must. With proper attunement and co-regulation we learn how to effectively self regulate. And having a deeper understanding of how we connect or disconnect can shape everything about the ways we relate to others and the world around us. Contrary to popular misunderstanding, attachments styles can change as we heal and grow. Somatic attachment is a deeper understanding of healing our nervous systems.
Soma means body. Using SE teaches you how to speak the language of your body, discharge traumatic stress, or higher states of activation, and learn how to be more in your body and more present in daily life. The subconscious lives inside of our muscles, fascia, tissues and cells. If we can uncover our subconscious blocks that live in in the body. Learning the language of our bodies helps us to create new somatic narrative to live by.
We all have parts of ourselves. When we experience trauma or immense stress, some of these parts “fragment” as a way to self protect. It’s adaptive and beautiful. Exploring our parts and getting to know our parts is a beautiful way to get to know ourselves deeper, understand various protective patterns and then eventually integrate so that these parts are no longer running the show in the background.
Mindfulness is about presence. The more we heal dysregulation and become self aware and attuned to ourselves, the more we can be more present and then be more mindful and embodied in every day life. I have a big focus on pleasure, play and joy, and all of those need a foundation mindfulness, regulation and a relationship with our bodies.
Transforming Touch® is a modality designed to bring more regulation into the system as a whole, by using touch, or intentional touch (when at a distance, or for those with discomfort of being touched) for the purposes of healing developmental trauma, relational trauma, and complex trauma. Transforming Touch® uses intention and awareness on the stress organs, as well as enhancements for primitive reflex integration, and supporting other areas of the nervous system.