Q. What is somatic healing?

A. “Soma” means body. So, somatic healing is working at the level of the body, which includes feelings and sensations in order to shift from discomfort to more pleasant experiences. The body is where the subconscious lives, and it holds a record of everything we’ve ever experienced, even if we don’t have conscious memory of it. So, working at the level of the body is actually the fastest and most impactful way to heal trauma, chronic stress and nervous system dysregulation, that actually works! It’s all based on neuroscience and the latest attachment research to create a reparative experience for long lasting healing.

Q. Do I have to re-tell the story of my trauma?

A. Nope! That’s the beauty of somatic work, is that the body doesn’t speak the language of words, it speaks in sensations. So it will tell the story for you based on feeling, and all you have to do is learn how to experience it, be with it and let it move through you for it to discharge! With practice and guidance this becomes easier and easier!


Q. I’ve tried therapy, courses, programs, shamanic healing, plant medicine, supplements, emdr, cbt, dnrs and more, i’m still not better. how will I know this will work?

A. MANY of my clients have tried “all the things” and never found any lasting relief. Because somatic work is the actual root of where the issues, symptoms and discomfort live, it’s the best way to address these long standing challenges. Addressing behaviors without addressing the feelings underneath never lead to lasting changes, and in fact, can even make it worse in some cases! Taking plant medicines can be supportive to the journey, but again, in some cases the symptoms can be made worse if we’re opening things up too much, too soon, without the proper capacity and inner container to hold everything that’s coming up. Somatic work creates a bigger container inside the body to be able to hold all of life’s experiences so that we’re no longer overwhelmed by them!

Q. Do I need to know about the nervous system to do this work?

A. Nope! I teach you everything you need to know, in a way that feels palatable for you! AND much faster than I learned it! I’ve condensed several years of learning and education into a few sessions so that this work lands deeply into your system and begins informing the approach you take to life. A world where everyone is polyvagal or nervous system informed is the exact world I want for my kids and for us to live in!


 I am so happy and grateful you are here! Let me know if you have more questions.